
Redesigning dashboard & improving video production for BLKBOX

A CRM system that allows senior places team to manage everything in a centralised hub, minimise the work load significantly, and saves thousands of hours.

Glimpse of research summary

My Role

Product designer (I was the only designer in this project)


5 - 6 hours

Project Background is an ad tech platform that supports two primary functionalities for Images / Videos:

Ability to analyze performance at a Creative level. This helps users to understand: 

Top performing creatives

Spend towards top performing creatives

Performance metrics

Ability to create new videos.
This helps users to:

Create iterations of existing videos in various flavors


A glimpse of the final design

Access arrangements with file uploading prototype
animated loop
Admin panel filtering system

Target audience

Who are we solving for?

Digital Media marketers - they know how to create and run ads on digital platforms like Meta, Tiktok etc but don’t have much creative experience. We have to make sure that its as easy as possible for them to create new videos and also understand the performance of the existing videos.

User feedbacks:

  • Cumbersome manual processes impede workflow and evoke frustration.
  • The outdated, non-user-friendly portal demands excessive mental and physical effort.
  • Users face task incompletions, resulting in wasted time.


Problems they are having within these two main screens

Very busy screen with lots of data

No central focus

Video creation flow is suboptimal

User feedbacks:

  • Cumbersome manual processes impede workflow and evoke frustration.
  • The outdated, non-user-friendly portal demands excessive mental and physical effort.
  • Users face task incompletions, resulting in wasted time.


Problems I identified in the existing screens

High level audit - dashboard

Key solutions

New direction that proved to be a game changer

My primary objective was to ensure cognitive ease and minimize interaction costs for users. To achieve this, I've separated the key actions and placed it in a position that users can easily find them and make decision faster.

Dashboard - The centeralized place for everything

To make the table data accessible, I have made the contents on the left side of the table sticky.  Imagine this table has 20 columns and a user is looking at a specific column. If the left side content, like names and descriptions, also scrolled horizontally with the other columns, it would be difficult for the user to identify which video data they are actually viewing. They would need to remember the video name, which requires a lot of memory usage.

Therefore, by keeping the left side data sticky, users can easily see the right side data without having to remember or memorize anything. This setup illustrates the usability principle of recognition over recall.

Re-organised the layout to ensure quick access to the important actions.

Re-organised searching and filtering options to make the available data easily accessible.

Provided bulk selection and action to provide comprehensive control over the data.

Centralized dashboard
Centralized dashboard - bulk selection
Centralized dashboard - light

Optimised video creation flow

To maintain user motivation throughout the video creation process and provide clear guidance on their progress, I've broken down the process into several steps and displayed it using a stepper. This exemplifies the usability principle of system status visibility, helping users understand where they are and how many steps are left.

Fostered a sense of continuity and progress.

Ensured easy video creation.

Video creation process - step 01
Video creation process - step 02

Design impact

I made a significant impact

Increased Video production rate

Ensured High Task Efficiency

Next read

#Product Design

#Product Management

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Decreased application withdrawal rate to almost 0%.

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